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Should Furnaces Be Serviced Annually?

Cities like Tecumseh are known for their harsh and windy winters. Fortunately, furnaces help us stay warm and comfortable in our homes. However, many homeowners neglect that furnaces require annual maintenance to ensure optimal functioning.

The best way to ensure comfortable winters is to get an annual furnace service in Tecumseh. It checks the system for any damage and prevents potential repairs.

Apart from these, here are some major reasons you need annual furnace maintenance.

8 Reasons To Get Your Furnace Serviced Annually

  1. Ensures Safety
    As a homeowner, it’s your duty to keep yourself and your family safe. As a furnace relies on fuels, gases, and combustion, safety factors are always associated. For instance, a sudden leak of carbon monoxide from the unit can be a life-threatening condition. Therefore, an annual furnace service in Tecumseh makes sure everything is working fine before the onset of winters.
  2. Maintains Adequate Airflow
    A furnace needs to distribute the air evenly to keep your house warm. However, as you will be using the unit after a long break, there can be a possibility of broken or jammed parts. Such parts can inhibit the airflow and put unnecessary strain on the system. Thankfully, annual maintenance ensures every piece is in place and provides adequate airflow throughout the house.
  3. Improves Efficiency
    Heating costs can make up for a significant proportion of your house’s energy usage. No wonder why homeowners look for utmost efficiency. A properly cleaned and inspected furnace will ensure your system remains functional while being energy efficient throughout the winters.
  4. Reduces Potential Breakdowns
    That’s right, an annual service can reduce your chances of calling an HVAC repair near me. This is because a check-up includes identifying and addressing minor issues before they escalate in the future.
  5. Saves Time and Cost
    While you will be spending time and money on annual maintenance, you are saving a lot of bucks. Yes, as the chances of potential breakdowns become less, you won’t be wasting your time and money on extensive repairs.
  6. Filter Replacement
    An air filter plays an important role in cleaning the air before it reaches you. A furnace service ensures your filters are free of dirt and even replace them if needed. However, it is recommended to change your filters every 60 to 90 days, depending on the model.
  7. Electrical Inspection
    An annual furnace service includes checking electrical wires and components. This is necessary because your furnace contains several electrical elements that need to function properly. Any minor failure in wires can even lead to fire hazards and further damage to the system.
  8. Maintains Warranty Cover
    As you buy a furnace, it comes with a warranty cover. However, many homeowners aren’t aware that the warranty becomes invalidated when the furnace isn’t maintained. Thus, getting an annual service validates your warranty, preventing you from spending a fortune.

Planning to get an annual furnace service now? You can trust us. We are known for affordable furnace services and furnace installation in Tecumseh. Give us a call at (519) 966-9960 to get a quote!